Industry Leading Fat Loss Expertise

When it comes to fat loss, bodyseek are Williamstown and hobson’s bays leading experts in delivering fast and effective results. We helped thousands of clients of all ages and abilities lose thousands of kilograms collectively since 2008 – with 30-50 kg’s dropped from individuals in 12 months not being uncommon.

We don’t do quick fixes, MLM supplements or cookie cutter diets, everything is individualised to keep our clients healthy but losing fat at the rate they desire to, without impacting health.

We do provide healthy, effective fat-loss solutions that become a lifestyle and thus are maintainable.

Why is fat loss so difficult?

Eat less, move more = fat loss – it’s that simple right?

Then why are so many people struggling to maintain a healthy body composition and control their diet, no matter how many different approaches they try?

There is no one answer.
But working with hundreds of clients every year we see people making the same key mistakes when it comes to successful fat loss.

  • Taking an all-or-nothing approach
  • Not prioritising protein
  • Setting goals that are unrealistic or unhealthy at best.
  • Jumping on the latest fad diets & following restrictive and unsustainable diets
  • Lacking education on how to eat healthily
  • Fooling yourself over what you think you eat versus what you actually eat
  • Following the latest fitness fad for a few weeks
  • Focusing solely on cardio workouts
  • Having no accountability to see your goals through to the end
  • Not having a long-term mindset

A holistic approach to fat loss and optimal health.

What makes our model so efficient and effective at delivering remarkable fat loss results is that our 1 on 1 personal training and everything we do is built on experience, hard science and driven by data.

We track biofeedback markers such as stress, sleep length, sleep quality, digestion, energy, mood, resting heart rate, hrv, drive and focus to leave no stone unturned for our clients to achieve the results and health they desire.

With our personal training packages being bespoke and packaged based on the outcome one desires, not simply an hour of ones time, if you have the desire and will to commit, mentally, physically and financially – bodyseek is the right fit for you, contact our PTs today!

-Charles Poliquin

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