The team at bodyseek Personal Training are all passionate about what we do and lifelong learners, when the average PT in the industry struggles to attend more than four continuing education seminars in a year, we do 10!

Tim Diegan

Tim has over a decade of experience in the fitness industry and is passionate about nutritional medicine, weight training / physique enhancement and achieving optimal health. From gym instructor, to gym manager, personal trainer in a big box gym and having to move his business to a smaller independent gym before rebuilding his business from the ground up, growing and opening his own studio in 2016, he has done it all. Tim believes there are 5 elements that are key to optimal health, achieving your best body ever, and being able to maintain it. Combining the benefits of resistance training, an efficient nutrition and supplement plan, and managing sleep, stress and digestion, it is his belief that you will unlock the key to your best body ever and find a lifestyle that increases your health and longevity. Athletes Tim has worked with include, natural bodybuilding, figure, fitness and sports model champions, state level soccer players and A-league youth team players. Tim also loves helping other personal trainers grow, whether it be in terms of technical knowledge, nutrition & supplement strategies for optimising results or coaching them on building a better PT business. Tim prides himself on staying up to date with cutting edge nutrition and training techniques in order to satisfy the needs of clients who desire fat-loss or body-transformation. Industry Experts that have influenced Tim so far include: The Late Charles Poliquin, Nick Mitchell, Daine McDonald, Andre Benoit, Christian Thibaudeu, Phil Learney, and John Berardi.


For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer.” – Arnold Schwarzzeneger

Education Overview

  • Advanced Program Design (Neurological Profiling) – Christian Thibaudeu
  • Foundations Course – Muscle Nerds
  • Metabolic Analytics Level 1 – Charles Poliquin
  • Biosignature Level 2 – Dr. James Lavalle
  • Biosignature level 1 – Charles Poliquin
  • Functional Nutrition – Dr Rob Rakowski
  • Muscle Mechanics Workshop – Eugene Teo
  • Hypertrophy Academy – Andre Benoit
  • The Human Alphabet of Nutrition – Bob Guiel
  • Performance Nutrition Coach Level 1 & 2 – Clean
  • Health Performance Coaching, Level 1 and 2 – Clean Health
  • Many Internships, and mentoring programs with some of Australia’s best coaches.